Christmas morning we woke up to a bunch of gifts from Santa and my mom cooked a yummy breakfast! Then Lee and I went to visit his niece and nephew to see what Santa brought them. We played with them until it was time to go to my grandmother and pawpaw's house!
I got a bunch of wonderful gifts! I couldn't fit everything into the picture, but here are a few of my gifts:)
Yes, I asked Lee to get me a mini tramp. I know it sounds crazy, but I heard if you jog in place of a mini tramp for 15 minutes, it is equal to running 5 miles. It's worth a try! =
I have a wedding to get in shape for:)
Lee's sister got me this sweet manger scene.... and my sister got me a ceramic Christmas Tree!!! I have been wanting one so bad, so she surprised me with it!!:) I don't have a picture of it, but I am sure I will get one later:)

This is some of Lee's gifts. His stack looks a little sad, but he had already used most of it:)

Mom got us matching luggage bags for the honeymoon:) and much more!!