January 24, 2010

After lunch at Firebird's we headed to Bed, Bath, & Beyond!!

Lee had too much fun with the scanner. As you can see below, he was getting into trouble for getting carried away! I went to the next aisle and left him alone, in a few seconds I heard "BEEP!" I took off back to where he was, and he just looked at me a grinned... How could you get on to that sweetheart;) BTW, he was scanning a hand-held vacuum cleaner!!!

Serious Contemplation...

Organizational section... my favorite!!

We had a wonderful time, and both Macy's and Bed, Bath, & Beyond were so helpful...

I am so thankful to have Lee in my life. He was so patient with me, and very helpful. He was constantly reassuring me, "Whatever makes you happy, baby." I couldn't ask for a better man to spend the rest of my life with. I love you so much, and thank you again for being Mr. Wonderful:)
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  1. This is so funny! Bradley got in trouble while we were registering also, he would just scan anything & everything. When I got home & pulled up the registry, my mom said "Oh no, did he scan every item in the store?". My mom & I had to go back & re-register for everything.
    But at least the guys had fun while it lasted...they would have been so bored with the "scanner"

  2. HAHA.. Sounds just like him!! Hilarious.... Thank you for all the wedding tips... hopefully it will come together SOON!!!

  3. We registered at BB&B too. We had a great time doing it together :) Looks like ya'll had fun :)


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