January 14, 2010

And the award goes to....

Thank you Elenie!! You are so sweet! Go visit Elenie's blog (http://www.eleniewatson.blogspot.com/)... it's very cute!

1. Here are the rules... accept the award and post it on your blog... be sure to thank the person you receive this award from.

2. Pass it on to approximately 15 other blogs you have recently discovered and think are wonderful.

3. Be sure you let them know you tagged them.

I am passing the award along to....

1. Nina @ "Life's an open road, you gotta take it."
2. Ashley @ The Bryant Family
3. Brook @ The Glaze's
4. Nikki @ The Runnels Family
5. Christie @ The Mitchell family
6. Stacy @ The Cox Family
7. Lyndsey @ An Everlasting Love
8. Rachel @ The Johnson Family

The link to these blogs are under "My Favorite Blogs."

Thank you again Elenie!!:)

Not 15, but these blogs are precious! Love yall:)
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1 comment:

Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)