We had a very low-key weekend... Friday night, my love and I had to run some errands in Hoover... Our first stop was Wal-Mart, Lee had to pick up a few things for the boat, and I had to pick up A BUNCH of stuff for my upcoming lesson plans (Yes, I actually have to do these lessons in a 2nd grade class.... NeRvOuS!!!!) Our teacher told us we had to buy ALL the supplies, including: crayons, scissors, glue, construction paper, poster board, etc. So, I went ahead and spent over 60 dollars of my poor, college student budget!!! But we are not allowed to ask the teacher for ANYTHING, my professor said it is very un-professional, and the teacher has a budget and cannot afford to support us... I can understand that though, just gets expensive!!
Anyways, after Wal-Mart we went to Best Buy!! My current computer is wonderful, but it weighs 50 POUNDS!!! My back is killing me by the time I get to class... so we invested in this little computer below! And it only weighs 2.9 pounds, not to mention it's tiny & cute!!! .....Much better!!:)

Next Stop!.... Office Max...
I know this cart looks absolutely ridiculous, but we have so many children books, supplies, textbooks, binders, etc. this is going to come in handy!!haha It will mainly be used when I actually teach lessons and start student teaching! There is no way I will be able to carry all the supplies needed!! My friends and I call them our dork carts...
We had a very low-key weekend... Friday night, my love and I had to run some errands in Hoover... Our first stop was Wal-Mart, Lee had to pick up a few things for the boat, and I had to pick up A BUNCH of stuff for my upcoming lesson plans (Yes, I actually have to do these lessons in a 2nd grade class.... NeRvOuS!!!!) Our teacher told us we had to buy ALL the supplies, including: crayons, scissors, glue, construction paper, poster board, etc. So, I went ahead and spent over 60 dollars of my poor, college student budget!!! But we are not allowed to ask the teacher for ANYTHING, my professor said it is very un-professional, and the teacher has a budget and cannot afford to support us... I can understand that though, just gets expensive!!
Anyways, after Wal-Mart we went to Best Buy!! My current computer is wonderful, but it weighs 50 POUNDS!!! My back is killing me by the time I get to class... so we invested in this little computer below! And it only weighs 2.9 pounds, not to mention it's tiny & cute!!! .....Much better!!:)

Next Stop!.... Office Max...
I know this cart looks absolutely ridiculous, but we have so many children books, supplies, textbooks, binders, etc. this is going to come in handy!!haha It will mainly be used when I actually teach lessons and start student teaching! There is no way I will be able to carry all the supplies needed!! My friends and I call them our dork carts...

Then we met my parent, sister and Daniel at Moe's Bar-B-Q for dinner!!
I had a Professional Development event, that the Red Mountain Writing project was holding. To be honest, the main reason I went is because it looks good on your resume, but I am so glad I did! It was very interesting! Kylene Beers and Robert Propst were the opening speakers. For all teachers, I recommend Kylene's book, When Kids Can't Read, What Teachers Can Do... Also, Robert Propst book is great:)
Back to the weekend... I was at the meeting until about 4, then my friend and I got stuck in traffic forever! Lee was at home all day getting the boat ready for spring break! So, he was waiting on me by the time I got home!
We headed to the hospital to visit, Kathy and Jeff. Their son, Ryan, is still in the hospital, so please continue to pray for him:)
After visiting, we went to eat at TGI Fridays, but it was packed, so we went to KOBE! I got some Sushi and Lee got steak and shrimp! It was very yummy!
We went to church on Sunday... and had a great service on "How to Survive a Bad Day!"
After church we had our weekly Sunday lunch at Panera Bread... it was good, as always!
Then I spent my afternoon doing lesson plans:( I have 7 due this week! We ended our weekend with dinner with my wonderful family!:)
We had a great, relaxing weekend!
Hope Everyone had a Wonderful Weekend!;)