April 21, 2011

Building Update (April 20th & 21st)... (I need your help!)

Well, the wood started going up yesterday but shortly thereafter, the crew had to stop due to thunderstorms...

The good news is.... on my way to work today, when I passed the lot, they were back at it!

We had to meet with Uncle Lynn last night to discuss doors, windows, etc.

We are meeting with the window/door man this evening at 5...

Here are a few doors I have in mind...

 Of course, as you see this one doesn't have the pretty glass, but you get my idea...





Keep in mind..our home we are building kind of has a cottage look to it... Also, the entrance will be arched, so some of these doors would be modified. But you get where I'm going with it... :)

What do you think? What's your choice?
(Feel free to give more ideas, websites, etc. :)


  1. 4 and 6 would be my choices. I am a sucker for double doors so I'm leaning more for 4 :-)

  2. 4 for sure! I love the double doors.

  3. 4 or 6.....4 could make getting all that big furniture into the house a breeze :)

  4. OH I love number 4! I am all about having double doors. So exciting to make all these decisions. Good Luck!

  5. I love #'s 1 and 6! However, no matter which one you pick they'll all be gorgeous!

  6. I love #3 and #4 :) they are beautiful!

  7. I like 1,3 and 6 lol!! Thank you for my pic comments!! Those Baby Boys are so sweet!! Such a great day...I so wish she would get a blog, she hardly ever even gets on FB though. I know she is going to be super busy!! Thank you for my pic comment about Kyleigh's musical too, she did so good!! Those girls crack us up!! Hope y'all have a great evening!!

  8. Also, check out my blog for an award that you won! :)

  9. I'm loving every single one of those doors! Unfortunately, we didn't to pick out our doors. But if we did, I can definitely see us choosing #4. I love the really dark wood! PS- Now following!

  10. I like 4, 5 and 6! 4 is probably my favorite! The doube doors are so pretty!

  11. LOVE 4 and 6!!!! Can't wait to see which one you pick girl! :)

  12. They are all so cute! I'm thinking 4 and 6 though! Let us know what you choose!

  13. 5! They are all beautiful though!

  14. I like them all but #4 is my favorite because it is a double door...which is what I have always wanted & will have when we build our 1st house one day!


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)