May 11, 2011

House Building Update (May 6th- May 8th)

 Friday, I came home to more completed!!!

The back chimney is up as well as the covered deck's roof!

Saturday, there was A LOT going on! 
Lee's parent's were burning wood, Casey and Matt were plumbing, the framers were there, and I was taking pictures :) Just kidding, I helped clean up behind everyone...

 The upstairs tubs were installed...

 Casey and Matt also came back Sunday and got a lot of the plumbing done, and Brian our electrician got started as well! It's coming along fast!
Today, (Monday, May 9th) we are meeting with the cabinet man!!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Just checked out your blog and now am a follower! I love it! Can't wait to hear about the progress on your new home - what a fun project.



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