April 5, 2012

Gender Reveal w/ My Students

 My students have been very interested in how big the baby currently is, how much he weighs, and most of all if it was a BOY or GIRL... I knew I had to do something special to reveal the news.

We started the morning creating a bar graph using pink and blue sticky notes. They were able to choose and write their name on it.
 BOY= 13     GIRL=9

I had them turn around and hold it behind their backs because I KNEW I would have some peekers here!

Most were excited, some of my girls said "AW MAN! I wanted a girl!"
It was all ok though when they were able to eat a not only the BLUE peep but the PINK peeps too! 

 Hope you are having a BLESSED Thursday! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww too cute that your students are soo interested!!


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