October 18, 2012

We are making it...

                            "Missing my mommy..."

...But we are making it.
Tears have been shed every morning but when I get home to my angel in the afternoons it is all worth it!
I hold him for about 2 hours straight (yes, he will be spoiled but I don't care;).
Before going back to work he was fussy starting about 5 until 7 but he has been in such a good mood in the evening now! He wakes up with me in the morning and smiles, laughs, and talks with me while I get ready.
The night I was going to work, he slept throuhg the night and has every night since then...
Proud mommy:)

I love my little boy... so much!

Have a BLESSED Thursday!
No time to breath right now;)... but when I get adjusted, my blogging will improve!


  1. Oh my goodness, that picture is sooooo unbelievably adorable!!! Don't worry about holding him so much. I wore my 3rd in my sleepy wrap every single day and yes she was clingy but it only lasted til she was about 10 months old. Now I wish she would let me hold her but she's too busy!

  2. Oh goodness I can't imagine what it's going to be like once mine gets here and I have to leave and go to work, but I know the time I spend with him in the evenings will make it better!
    Praying for y'all and that things will get easier for you!

  3. Such a precious photo! He is too cute!

  4. Such as sweet little photo. I am glad both of you are doing well or actually I guess I should say all 3 :)

  5. love this photo! things certainly will get easier...but hold him just as much as you want, I don't think you can make him spoiled yet!


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