November 7, 2012

My Baby Loves: Baby Necessities (0-2 Months)

Linking up with Jamie for WILW! Go join us!:)

My baby loves:
 I know all mommies like to share their mommy advice. I DO NOT , by any stretch of the imagination, "know-it-all," still learning EVERYDAY! But I thought I would share a few "must-haves" I have found helpful in my new mommy adventure! I found these type of posts very helpful while I was pregnant!

1.  We swaddled Gage from day one and Aden & Anias Swaddle blankets are the BEST! They are a breathable, lightweight cotton. Gage is a hot-natured little guy and these kept him at the perfect temperature (most of the time).

 2. Gage is a paci baby! The child LOVES to suck... Luckily, he will suck any bottle, any paci, latches on perfectly, but he still favors the soothie pacis. They also stay in his mouth longer.

3. At the last minute I decided to purchase a diaper caddy I could take from room to room. Gage's nursery is upstairs and let's get real, momma ain't traveling those stairs every time he has a dirty!;)
This is the Munchkin Portable Diaper Caddy from Target. It travels EVERYWHERE and has EVERYTHING I need. I take it to my in-laws when they keep him and if we are going to be out and about all day, it comes along for the ride! His lotion, diaper cream, brush, diapers, wipes, etc. ALL go it the pockets! It is very convenient! 

4. Gage has a fairly sensitive booty. Most "boy moms" like pampers diapers but this mommy is Huggies all the way! He doesn't pee out of them and pampers blister is little booty! Anyway, our first go to was the diaper rash cream below... it worked great and cleared his blistered booty up in one day...

 5. Now that I know what causes his rash, I just use Eucerin when needed.
Also, he has dry skin and this works great on his sweet skin....

6. Most mommies rage about gowns. The first couple of weeks I brought him home, he wore gowns at night. But when he started stretching and kicking, they wouldn't allow him to. He seemed to get frustrated wearing them, so then we turned to zipper sleepers! Now that he sleeps through the night or wakes up once, I will put him in any sleeper. But when they are waking frequently, the faster the better!

 7. I know everyone has different opinions about strollers. We decided to go with the City Elite Jogging Stroller and we LOVE it. I know everyone is concerned about the basket size. I am here to tell you, those giant diaper bags are not going to fit in hardly any basket. I learned to pack a small zipper pouch of a couple of diapers, travel wipes,burp cloth, paci, and possibly his next bottle. I keep a big diaper bag filled with ALL the necessities to cover anything that could possible go wrong in my car. I just grab my zipper pouch & off I go! The huge diaper bag got on my NERVES! 
Anyway, back to the stroller.... we love everything about it! I totally recommend it!

8. We decided to get a Snap&Go to take when we are making many stops. Honestly, it goes pretty much everywhere with us. It also allows you to keep baby sleeping! 

9. I was skeptical of the nap nanny, but I went ahead and registered for one! I kept the packaging just in case we didn't use it, but I am so glad I purchased it! We use ours a little differently though... 
 10. We squeezed our nap nanny into the bassinet below from Restoration Hardware!

He sleeps in it beside our bed and we can roll it around the house! I roll it from room to room while cleaning, he lays in it and talks to me while I get ready in the mornings.... I'm telling you, every momma needs this;) 
We chose not to get the skirt, but I put 3 baskets underneath and my mom tied burlap around each basket! Simple and sweet;) I put blankets, sleepers, burp cloths, and other necessities in the baskets! I'm getting excited just thinking about it...haha 
Seriously, it is very convenient & worth the money (especially when MiMi & Poppy buy it;)!

11. I guess it wouldn't be a necessity, but I am so glad I registered for a scale! Thankfully, Aunt Lynie & Uncle Daniel bought it for us and I am so glad they did! When we first came home we were able to weight him before & after he ate and of course it is fun to weigh him more often than doctor's visits.
It is in his bathroom, so it is used for a changing table too;)
12. I hear a lot of moms that do not recommend the bumbo seat. But we have used ours A LOT! I think it is because I purchased the Hugga-Bebe insert. He was able to sit up from day one with the nifty item!

13. I saved up and bought a camera when I found out I was pregnant. I wanted a camera with shutter speed... I decided on the Nikon D3100, because my sister (who is a photographer) recommended it because it would meet my needs and it does. I love my camera and it takes great pictures! Every new mommy needs a good camera!

A few more items we use around the Pody House and I recommend you registering for....
  • Boppy
  • Thick blankets (because of the time of year)
  • Avent Bottles (I like Similac bottles as well)
  • Tons of hooded towels and washcloths
  • Swing
  • Playmat
That's all I've got for now..
I hope to do another "Baby Necessities" post for 3 to 6 months, a c-section "must-haves" post, and a post all about breastfeeding soon! 

Hope this helps at least one mommy out there!:)

Have a BLESSED Wednesday!


  1. This helped me a ton, along with our e-mails back and forth. Again Thank you!!! :)
    One Question - Where did you purchase the Hugga-Bebe insert at? Our local Babies R us doesn't carry them and I can't seem to find them online.

  2. I've been literally working on a post like this for six months. At some point I'll post it! They just change what is helpful so often!

  3. A diaper caddy is a great idea! Kind of wish I had had one. The bumbo seems to be one of those things you either love or hate. We loved ours and if we have another, we will definitely use it again. I just opened a shop on Etsy and Facebook. I would love it if you checked out my things or "liked" me! or

  4. great post! I'm expecting twins in march/april. I will be using your list!

  5. that bassinet is adorable! totally cute.

    xoxo, Amy

    I'm hosting my 1000th post party, love for you to come!

  6. looks very similair to my list :) love the stroller, I was just mad I had to purchase the drink holder and parent console!! lol

  7. Love the camera! How do you like it? I really want one for all our little family adventures and some portraits.

    xo, Jenna

  8. I love that bassinet!! I have never seen one that I like so much. noted for baby number two :) & I am in agreement on mommies & cameras :)


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