January 22, 2013

Breastfeeding... (Part 2: Juggling Pumping & Working)

Returning to work and continuing to breastfeed is always scary for new moms.
Of course, I was concerned but determined to continue.
My goal since pregnancy is to give Gage majority breast milk until he is 6 months old.

I want to share how I make it work to hopefully help ease the minds of other mommies...

In the morning I wake up about 5:30 (I have to be at work BY 7:45, but my goal is to get there by 7:30). 
I get my shower, then strap on my pump with this beauty, the Medela Easy Expression- Hands-Free Pumping Made Easy. Some mornings I feed Gage before getting in the shower, but if he is still asleep I do not wake him). Either way, I still pump while getting ready.
I put on my make-up and dry my hair while pumping. Most mornings Gage is beside me while this is taking place. I enjoy this time talking and singing with my boy! 

My first break is at 10:10. I strap my pump back on and grade papers, check emails, check blog, pinterest, whatever while pumping.

My next break is at 2:05. On the days my students do not have resource, my boss sends someone to my room and I go take care of business! :)

I feed him when I get home at 3:30, then feed and/or pump before bed about 8:30.

I usually tried to feed and/or pump 5 times a day. 

This schedule worked great for us. My supply did not decrease and it was a schedule I could handle.

I could handle anything for this little guy...
 It IS possible... just go with the flow! 
Again, I am very flexible and if I miss a "session" I do not panic. 
It worked for us!

Best of luck!:) 

** This post was written a couple of weeks ago. Now, I am pumping in the morning, once during the school day, and before bed. He is still getting majority breast milk on this schedule as well! He may get 1-2 formula bottles a day.  I am hoping to continue this until 6 months then mommy has reached my goal and I will pat myself on the back. ;)


  1. This is very similar to what I am going. Pumping/BF as much as possible. Avery since 4 months has been getting (on avg) about 1-2 bottles of formula a day- typically at night. Some times we have more and she goes a few days on all BM, then sometimes I'm low and she gets 2 or 3 bottles of formula. Regardless, I'm like you keeping at it and patting myself on the back each day for doing my best. Avery turns 6 months tomorrow.

    Way to go Mama!

    1. That is great! I know, I was so stressed at first thinking my supply was not keeping up with him. Then I told myself, if he has to have a little formula... it will not kill him!!:)

      Great job girl!

  2. Go you!! I was too stressed & irritable trying to breast feed without enough supply!! :(

    1. Hey, I totally understand! It just doesn't work for some! No big deal:)

  3. you go girl - nursing is hard work but so worth it! especially doing it while working. congrats to you!

  4. Thank you so much for this! In 2 weeks, I am returning to my teaching gig and I plan on continue BF'ing and pumping! So glad to know that it is working for you!

    1. I hope it helps! So glad to hear that:)

      Best of luck! You can do it!!:)


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