February 13, 2013

Breastfeeding Necessities (Part 3)

You can read Part 1 & Part 2 if you missed it!

Pump In Style Medela
 You really just need a good pump... this one worked perfectly for me: lightweight, plenty of storage, and convenient. I would not have survived without my pump!

Nipple Shield

There is some controversy about using a nipple shield. But for me, it worked! It was actually a life saver! It did not cause nipple confusion, I actually think it made Gage not so picky. He will take any bottle!

At first, I used Lansinoh lanolin. I would definitely recommend using this brand at first because it is very thick and creamy. Gives you much needed relief!

After breastfeeding for a while I switched to Medela's lanolin. It is still creamy but not quite as greasy or thick.

**TIP:I made the mistake and was lazy at first and did not wear my nursing pads after applying lanolin. I strongly suggest doing so, I ruined 2 of my nursing bras because I was LAZY! It leaves a greasy stain!

Gel Pads
During the first week or two is when you will most likely want to throw in the towel. Your nipples will be so raw and sore you can't stand it! The soothie gel pad will provide a little relief. Apply some lanolin and put these bad boys on! THANKS for the tip Candace;)

Nursing Pads
 I used Medella brand nursing pads at first and they were very rough. I discovered Lansinoh and they were a little more forgiving, still too rough in my opinion but better. If you all have a suggestion on a brand, please let me know!

Nursing Pillow
 Many people buy an actual nursing pillow, but I find this unnecessary. The boppy does the trick in my opinion. Tip from experience: It is important to get them in a comfortable position. I started holding his dead weight with my wrist and it got VERY sore to where it hurt to move it.

Nursing cover
 Honestly, I did not have to use my much at all. I chose to pump up enough bottles to take with me out & about. I used mine mostly at home when we had unexpected visitors. I would still have one handy though!

Hands-Free Pumping Bra

 This is a must for working moms. I actually think all mommies need one. I was able to grade papers, check e-mails, and often walk around while pumping. Definitely worth the money!

Nursing Bra

I bought 2 nursing bras of different styles: one that snapped and one you could pull down. I came across the genie bra at Bed, Bath, & Beyond (of all places) and decided to try them. I bought an x-large so they would fit loosely. They worked perfectly for me. I actually wore them 95% of the time. Nursing bras can be fairly expensive and these were 2 for $20 dollars, I'll take that!! I still wear them to this day.

Freezer bags

I am sure there is other options out there to freeze your milk, but I really liked the Medella brand. I started writing the date & what I ate at first but that got annoying quickly. Eventually, I just wrote the date. Gage does not have a sensitive stomach what-so-ever (yes, we got very lucky). I sat them upright in the back of my freezer and stored them in a large zip lock for extra "protection".

I absolutely loved my cooler and it came with my pump. I would say FREE but we all know how expensive pumps are. If we were going to be on-the-go all day, this was in the diaper bag!

That's all I've got!

Have a BLESSED Wednesday! 


  1. I used a lot of this while breastfeeding my little one! Great tips!

  2. I don't breastfeed, but I am certain this is very helpful to those who will! be!

    Stopping by from What I'm Loving Wednesday!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  3. I used most of this! Great post!

  4. The Johnson & Johnson brand nursing pads are so awesome! The are not bulky and so soft!

  5. I have the same pump and LOVED it!!! Of course we stopped nursing a while back but whenever we decide to go for baby #2 I will be using it again!!


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