February 20, 2013


I have now joined the "cool" people of the world and FINALLY invested in an iPhone... 
Let me just say, it is amazing! Of course, the first app I downloaded is instagram.... I am in love!
That also means I can join instalately!


My little dino Sunday night after his bath!

Monday night during his bath...

Tuesday night was a penguin and polar bear kind of night...

Being bashful after his bath...

His concentration lips while watching the race Tuesday night...

Holding mommy's finger while he drifts off to sleep...

Mommy's little teething boy this morning before work...

Have a BLESSED Wednesday!


  1. He is such a doll!! I LOVE instagram!! What's your name on it? I'm linzrowland.

  2. Yay! Welcome to the world of iPhones! Watch out, IG is addicting! ;) hope y'all are having a wonderful week!

  3. I joined the "cool club" too with the iphone 5 at Christmas! And I cannot put it down! Look at those rolls at that hunkaburninlove!! So cute!!!!!!

  4. The look on his face in the second picture is priceless! IG is so much fun!

    1. It looks like he's saying, "Woman, if you take one more picture of meee I'm gonna get you!!"

      Thanks girl! :)

  5. Oh my goodness he is just precious!! If I were blessed with a baby as cute as him I would take photos non-stop!
    Thank you for linking up girlie!


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)