March 11, 2013

Weekend Highlights....

Every-other-Saturday, my momma graciously gives me my "mommy time" to get my nails and toes done! They mixed two colors together to create the perfect match to my bridesmaid dress I will be wearing this coming Saturday for my very best friend's wedding!:)

I came home to this...
MiMi had re-purposed the bathtub. It actually works perfectly, his toys cannot escape!

We had time to hang out at home and even able to sneak in an hour nap!

Played peek-a-boo with daddy...

Saturday night, we went to dinner at Outback with my parents and then our monthly SAM'S trip!

Sunday, we went to church then lunch at Logan's.

Gage is such a little creeper. He stares at everyone while they eat.

We then enjoyed the beautiful weather!

Hope you had a FABULOUS Weekend! 

Linking up for the first time with... 


  1. Looks like a fun weekend!

    (where did you get that trike/stroller?)

  2. I just found your blog - what a sweet boy you have!

    Love that nail polish color. Do you do shellac?

    1. I do! They mixed a light pink with snow bunny (white)

      I am so glad you stopped by!! :)

  3. Such a fun weekend!!! That stroller is so cool!!! I need to look into one of those!

  4. My 4 year old still pulls his baby tub out and puts his toys in it and will play with it all day long.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  5. I am 100% taking that picture of your nails in when I get mine done for the wedding. I can never get THAT! And that's always what I want!


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)