May 15, 2013

Summer Project List...

As most of you know, I'm a teacher. Come May 24th, I will become a capital SAHM for 3 months (with pay, which is a plus;). I have been wrapping up end of the year stuff at school and it feels OH SO GOOD! It's the best feeling in the world when you are marching your class to the library to turn in textbooks to end the year! 
 Most of my time will the spent with my baby, laying by the pool, going on beach trips, having play dates with friends, meeting daddy for lunch, and spending as much time as possible with my best friend, the sister!
BUT I have a few projects I would love to complete over the summer...

1. A new wreath for our front door.
My house is not complete without something on my door. I LOVE wreathes, initials, anything, but SOMETHING has to be on our door. As you can see here, here, and here.
I wish I could be a part of a craft club or something, maybe I should start one myself... maybe not.
Bright White Wildflowers with Chevron Burlap Bow and Moss Covered Monogram Wreath

Front door wreath - personalized

2. This would be a project for the husband, a bed swing for under our back deck!
I'm thinking maybe pallets... Lee, GET ON IT!;)

Hanging Daybed Swing

3. Hang something pretty above my kitchen window... 
When I continue my home tour that I've been trying to post about for 2 years now (since the sarcasm?), you will see my kitchen window needs something, maybe similar to the picture below.

5. Hang some pretties in our master bedroom.
Call me weird, but I want our bedroom to consist of pictures of just Lee and I. As cute as our little chunky-monkey is, I want that room to be about just US. I'm thinking a large canvas similar to the one below will be perfect!
First dance photo... must have this!

6. Update Gage's baby book...
Thank the Lord for my blog because I have am REALLY behind in his baby book. Like.... I only have the part about our showers complete. Bad momma, but I'll catch up this summer!

7. Finish our home tour on this little blog of mine... 
You can catch up by visiting the "Our Home" page.

8. Start our family year book...
I want to do a year book every year to document our memories. If you know a good website to do this, let a sister know!

Will all of these be marked off the list... probably not. But a girl can dream! :)



  1. Love that swing & window treatment!! You make me want to go home & get my craft on ;)

  2. Yay for summer!! I'm a "little" behind in Londyn Grace's baby book, too! Glad I'm not the only one! :)

  3. Yay for summertime!! I love all your projects. Definitely excited to see the projects come to life!

  4. I use shutterfly for family yearbooks! The are so easy to make and I love how they turn out!


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