There are a couple of questions I often get asked about this pregnancy...
"Is this pregnancy different than your first one?"
The answer is, yes. Not in a bad way, in a way that I did not have any symptoms
AT ALL, especially in the beginning. I know most people would have been
grateful, but honestly, it scared me to death. It scared me so badly that I went in to lab work at 5 weeks and a few days after. The doctor called me to assure me my levels "
were DEFINITELY rising", so much so that they were in the twin range. No worries, it's only
(Secretly, I would LOVE twins... SHHH)
Now there has been some other differences that came later on. The main differences being my face is spotted like a cheetah. I've never had acne, not even in high school, but it hit me this pregnancy. Also, around 7 weeks I started getting nauseous in the evenings around 3:00, not vomiting by any means, just sick at my stomach (it was morning time with Gage). It stopped a couple of weeks later. Lastly, my cravings are much different this go around, which I talked about in yesterday's post.
"Do you want a girl this time?"
I have always pictured myself with all boys. I have never really been one that HAS to have a girl. I can see the boys being best friends, especially being so close in age. I can also picture matching outfits with their names monogrammed on the front. I LOVE being a mommy to a boy, every minute of it.
That brings me to the next questions I get,
"Will you be upset if it's a girl?"
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Will I be shocked? ABSOLUTELY. Will I be thrilled, OF COURSE!
Having a best friend that struggled for years to get pregnant and being with them every step of the way, being able to get pregnant so easily is such a blessing. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to me. I simply thank God everyday for giving be the blessing of being a mommy.
Everyone's predictions?
Daddy- initially it was girl, briefly changed to boy, now we are back to girl.
Mommy- boy
Aunt Lynie- boy
Best friends- 2 girl, 3 boy
MiMi- I think it's boy.
Poppy- girl
Mrs. Pody's class- girl

Chinese gender charts- Most of them say girl, obviously I know these are bogus, but it's always fun to pass the time!
Heart rate- Still at 164. About the same as Gage, his was actually a little faster.
This is so exciting, I love gender reveal days!!! We have a creative way we are telling family, and I will be back to post! We find out today at 1:00, but family/friends will not know until 6:00!!
Have a great Friday!