September 26, 2013

The FAMOUS Questions/Gender Predictions...

There are a couple of questions I often get asked about this pregnancy...
"Is this pregnancy different than your first one?"
The answer is, yes. Not in a bad way, in a way that I did not have any symptoms AT ALL, especially in the beginning. I know most people would have been grateful, but honestly, it scared me to death. It scared me so badly that I went in to lab work at 5 weeks and a few days after. The doctor called me to assure me my levels "were DEFINITELY rising", so much so that they were in the twin range. No worries, it's only ONE. (Secretly, I would LOVE twins... SHHH)

Now there has been some other differences that came later on.  The main differences being my face is spotted like a cheetah. I've never had acne, not even in high school, but it hit me this pregnancy. Also, around 7 weeks I started getting nauseous in the evenings around 3:00, not vomiting by any means, just sick at my stomach (it was morning time with Gage). It stopped a couple of weeks later. Lastly, my cravings are much different this go around, which I talked about in yesterday's post.

"Do you want a girl this time?"
I have always pictured myself with all boys. I have never really been one that HAS to have a girl. I can see the boys being best friends, especially being so close in age. I can also picture matching outfits with their names monogrammed on the front. I LOVE being a mommy to a boy, every minute of it.

That brings me to the next questions I get,

"Will you be upset if it's a girl?"
ABSOLUTELY NOT. Will I be shocked? ABSOLUTELY. Will I be thrilled, OF COURSE

Having a best friend that struggled for years to get pregnant and being with them every step of the way, being able to get pregnant so easily is such a blessing. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter to me. I simply thank God everyday for giving be the blessing of being a mommy. 

Everyone's predictions?
Daddy- initially it was girl, briefly changed to boy, now we are back to girl. 
Mommy- boy
Aunt Lynie- boy
Best friends- 2 girl, 3 boy
MiMi- I think it's boy.
Poppy- girl
Mrs. Pody's class- girl 

Chinese gender charts- Most of them say girl, obviously I know these are bogus, but it's always fun to pass the time!
Heart rate- Still at 164. About the same as Gage, his was actually a little faster. 

This is so exciting, I love gender reveal days!!! We have a creative way we are telling family, and I will be back to post! We find out today at 1:00, but family/friends will not know until 6:00!! 

Have a great Friday!



  1. I'm so excited for you! Good luck and I can't wait to hear the reveal:)

  2. Yay!!! Congratulations on your second blessing on the way!! I haven't caught up on blogs in FOREVER; So glad to see this!! :)

  3. I cannot wait to see what it will be :)


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