My big ole belly and I at 34 Weeks!
Size of Baby P? 4 3/4 pounds; 18 inches long
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely! My t-shirts even look ridiculous so my mom brought me a couple of my dad's XXL t-shirts... wearing that with maternity leggings is heaven! I know, I know, "LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS!" But in the comfort of my home and 8 months pregnant, they're pants in my world! :)
Weight Gain? Knocking on the door to 30 pounds. Hey, what can I say, I gain a lot of weight while pregnant! With Gage I'm pretty sure I ended up gaining 40-50 pounds, it happens! I'll get it off...
Stretch Marks/belly button? NO and I honestly do not know how... there is literally no skin to even pinch with the tip of your fingers! I sometimes put lotion on but rarely because it makes me itch like crazy!
Gender? Thomas "Graham" Pody (Thomas is after my dad and brother;)
Sleep? It is different night to night... Luckily I do not require much sleep so it works!
Food Cravings? Panera Bread Toffee cookies! Heated up in the microwave for 12 seconds and a full glass of milk! DELICIOUS!! While pregnant, I drink SOO much milk... possibly why I've almost gained 30 pounds!haha
What I Miss? I'm not going to be whiny, because I am so thankful to be pregnant. I'm going to keep it simple with, THIS MOMMA IS READYYYY!
What I am loving? Marking things off the list! After Christmas we hit the ground running and Graham's room is complete! Cannot wait to show it off:)
Movement? Bless his heart, he's running out of room. It's no longer punches and kicks, it is hard, slow movements like he cannot get comfortable. This boy HURTS me when he moves! I did not feel this with Gage but it is really different this time around!
Movement? Bless his heart, he's running out of room. It's no longer punches and kicks, it is hard, slow movements like he cannot get comfortable. This boy HURTS me when he moves! I did not feel this with Gage but it is really different this time around!
Other random updates?
Watching cartoons with my boys:)
I ordered Graham's baby book and I really like it so far! Gage's book came from Ruby Love off Etsy and I love it too. For Graham I decided to order from Two Giggles off Etsy, she offered more boy cover options. Both have my approval so far!
At 33 weeks, we went for our 4d. We went later this time around trying to be frugal. We couldn't stand it any longer so MiMi made us an appointment to see our boy!
This is before at Chik-fil-a, Gage is Lizzie Grey's little body guard. He loves her so much. When my sister came started walking over to the table he started shaking his head "no" telling her to stay away!:)

Here is our chunky baby boy, being smashed by my placenta! We were nervous we wouldn't be able to see him because he is head down and LOW. He is in position, but little does he know, our C-section is scheduled for March 3rd, if we make it!:)

Looks a little creepy, but he gave us a little stare;)
Now for the number one question, "DID HE LOOK LIKE BROTHER?"
UMMM... I'm pretty sure they are close to twins! We MAY be wrong, but they looked VERY similar!
Profile comparisons: GRAHAM TOP, GAGE BOTTOM
I am anxious to see if Graham is going to be bigger than Gage (remember Gage was a big boy weighing in at 9.7). Sometimes I feel like he is bigger, but for some reason 8.14 sticks in my mind. WE WILL SEE IN 5 SHORT WEEKS!!
Like I said earlier, we have made a lot of progress in the baby world.
- Graham's room and bathroom is complete and totally different than brother's room.
- His tiny clothes are hung and put away in his closet. I cannot believe Gage was ever that tiny!
- I've ordered Big Brother/Little Brother shirts and some sweet monogrammed items for little Mr. I am so ready to meet my little guy!!!
- Coming home outfit has been ordered and mommy's coming home oversized sweatshirt has been ordered. This time, I am going for comfort for both baby and mommy! I was SUPER tired/sore the day we came home, Gage was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, it took forever to be discharged because my bloodpressure spiked, dumb me went by the pet store on the way home to get CAT FOOD! HOW STUPID WAS THAT?? (which will not happen this time because I stocked up for the next two months) The ride home is not pleasant after a C-section and that is a fact. Needless to say, I was exhausted when I got home! My mom and sister met us at our house, and I remember them rushing me inside to sit down. The smile was fading and they could tell!haha COMFORT IS NUMBER ONE THIS TIME!
I ordered this sweetness for Graham with grey stitching from Monogramme Maison on ETSY... it's a converter gown that snaps into a layette. Super soft cotton which I love;)
- And I ordered this for mommy in a grey sweatshirt and baby blue stitching. Depending on the length, I hope to wear either yoga pants or maternity leggings. Hopefully this time around things will be a little smoother! :)
- Next on the list is hospital bags, car seat installation, and getting out big baby items (which are not far, sitting in the playroom;)
- I am hosting a baby shower at my house this weekend for my sweet friend who is due the exact same day as me (March 8th), with a boy, we are both C-sections, and they are both scheduled on March 3rd, 45 minutes apart, at the SAME hospital! CRAZY, HUH?
I want to end by introducing you to my beautiful niece, Lizzie Grey. Y'all, she's so stinking adorable and SOOO teeny tiny... especially to me! She weighed 6.14 when she was born...
These pictures melt my heart. I never dreamed Gage would respond to her the way he does. He is so gentle, wants her to have her paci at all times so he will try to put it in her mouth, pets her little head so gently. It just melted my heart! In the pictures below, we put her in his lap for a picture and he laid his head on hers... I'M IN LOVE WITH THESE TWO!!
I was also worried about jealousy when I hold her because when daddy touches mommy, Gage gets a little violent!lol The other night Lee was tempting him by hugging me and he screamed and threw his sippy cup as hard as he could at Lee's head. It was so funny, of course, we hid and laughed. He is my little body guard. ANYWAY, when I hold her he will come sit by me but hasn't shown any jealousy yet! Don't get me wrong, I know there will be moments with little brother, but it makes me feel better!:)