My "Before-Baby List" is all complete! I would be a great candidate for an early delivery but my children prefer to bake until the last minute possible. Only joking, I am thankful I carry my babies full-term. Not saying it is EASY everyday. My doctor told me "I make some healthy babies"! Thank the Lord for that!
Hospital Bags- CHECK!
I had a little blood pressure scare and symptoms so during one of our weather days, I got us packed! Gage was the hardest for me to pack, but I got it done!
He is so excited about his hospital bags. If I do not hear him for a while, I know where to look! He is always looking is his snack bag and pointing to the monkey on his backpack making monkey noises.
Bottles/pacis sterilized- CHECK!
I purchased a sterilizer this time and went with the Avent since I use their bottles. (I love the new bottle design by the way)! I am very pleased with it so far, very easy to use. This was another project completed on a snowy day trapped in the house!

Bassinet washed and ready- CHECK!

During our snow days I even made some Pinterst DIY beauty recipes! No, it was not on my list to do so, but I'm glad I did. I hope to share a few of my favorite!

How Far Along? Today I am 38 and 2
Size of Baby P? 4 3/4 pounds; 18 inches long
Size of Baby P? 4 3/4 pounds; 18 inches long
Maternity Clothes? Of course... and stretching it over my big ole belly is getting harder everyday!
Weight Gain? Actually lost a couple of pounds so I am still under 30!
Stretch Marks/belly button? NO and my sister made a lotion I've started using that I LOVE! I also have started putting on coconut oil! In my hair, on my face, and all over my body... It's a beautiful sight let me tell you!
Gender? Thomas "Graham" Pody
Sleep? Every night brings a new adventure... I'll leave it at that!
Food Cravings? MILK!
What I Miss? Getting dressed up in cute clothes, being able to turn over in bed with ease, being able to get out of bed without bailing out like a whale, and walking without a waddle!
What I am loving? Being totally ready and prepared to meet our new little buddy!
Movement? Yep... his body parts feel quite large!
Movement? Yep... his body parts feel quite large!
Other Updates...
My sweet friends gave me a surprise baby shower... I thought I was going on a dinner date with Lee to Logan's and there they sat! It seriously made me feel so special! First surprise party I've been given:)
I went to the doctor for my 37 week appointment and was able to get a peek at our sweet boy! He is still looking like his big brother based on his profile and he was measuring 7 lbs 8 oz! I was nervous he would be measuring larger than that so I think I may get through this with an 8 pound baby! I'm guessing 8.14! Of course, nothing has changed and it looks like we will be going all the way to our C-section date on March 3rd! 9 days to go!!!
Guess that's all for now! Hopefully I can capture some pictures of his nursery this weekend and post them before it's baby time!
Have a BLESSED weekend!