May 8, 2014

Happy 2 Months, Sweet Angel!



 6 weeks old:

Doctor on May 1st:
13 pounds 10 ounces- 90%; 22 1/2 inches long- 50%

2 month and 4 days...

 SLEEPS through the night!

Smiling all the time! I cannot get enough of that precious smile.

Cooing and trying to talk
Following objects around the room
Holding his head up longer and turning head side to side

LOVES his beauty sleep still, thank The Good Lord!
Being swaddled on his nap nanny/bassinet
His mommy, of course
Long strolls
Being on-the-go
MILK, MILK, & more MILK!

First trip to church

First Easter 

First music class

First play date with his friend Cohen (born on the same day;)

First visit to the fair

Attempted his bumbo seat and play mat!

Slept through his first tornado adventure

First visit to the park with new friends

Other Updates:
He is still taking 5 ounces each feeding. We are still breastfeeding/pumping so he gets all breast milk. He usually eats every three hours. MY BABY SLEEEEEPS! I do not know what to do with myself. He sleeps from 8-5, eats, then sleeps until 9:00. There are some nights he even goes 11 hours!! I never dreamed having two children would give me so much sleep, but even mommy is sleeping better than I have in 2 years!
We went ahead and put him in size two diapers. The size ones were already getting snug on that pot belly! He is in all 3 month clothes, which happened around 6 weeks.
He is a sweet baby and has become much more laid back. At first he wanted mommy to hold him constantly but I think he's realized with big brother, that's just not going to happen! He cat naps throughout the day but sleeps ALL night so I'll take it!

We love you to the moon and back, SWEET ANGEL!



  1. Wow! LG still doesn't sleep like that! :) Way to go, buddy! Happy 2 Months! :)

  2. I just love him... I love all the photos of the little ones! Glad he sleeps through the night, hello life saver!


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