August 14, 2014

Happy 5 Months, Love Bug!

17 lbs. 13 oz (90%)
25 1/2 in. long (75%)
Clasping hands together
Sitting up!
He was so proud of himself. He started trying around the first of the month and had it mastered by the middle of the month.
He's a roly poly too! Rolling front to back and back to front!
He can stand in your lap like a big boy!
Watching every move his brother makes.
He loves watching T.V. I think we have another Disney lover.
Smiling. He is still smiling at everyone all the time.
He loves his walker.
Playing with brother's cool, big boy toys. Gage will share his toys with him.
People watching like his brother did ;)
Visit to Desoto Caverns

Visit to Noccalula Falls

First time eating at Top O the River!
First trip to Galtinburg as a family of 4!
We stayed at Wilderness at the Smokey's while in Tennessee! It has an indoor waterpark. We had a blast!!

This is what angel baby did the entire trip... SMILE!:)

We took our first trip to the beach with MiMi & Poppy.
We stayed at Splash!

First time sitting in a high chair!
At the end of the month, I decided to try him at Jim and Nicks in a high chair. He though he was so big! He just looked around and smiled. I think he thought everyone was there to look at him. ;)
Other updates:
He is still on 100 % breastmilk. I have started adding oatmeal to his bottles. It seemed to help his tummy too! He drinks about 4-5 oz. every four hours. He is wearing 6 month clothes, some 9 month. Sleepers are definitely too small so I recently pulled the 9 month clothes! He wears size 3 diapers and brother's 4s when we run out. He is still sleeping through the night 8-8, unless I have to work. He hears me in the shower, so on work mornings I get ready while he smiles at my every move. It makes my morning start off wonderfully!
He is still his sweet, good-natured self. He smiles as anyone that will talk to him and loves any attention he can get.
I never dreamed I could love two little boys so much!
We love you, Thomas Graham Pody... more than you will ever know!


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)