October 8, 2014

Happy 6 Months, Baby Graham...

I feel so bad, I honestly thought I already posted Graham's 6 month post. I DID do his pictures on time, so that's what matters, right?!
 THANK GOODNESS for instagram! All details there to refresh my tired, overloaded memory! 
He sits up like a big boy now!
He is very good with those sweet hands.
Smiles and laughs all the time!
He started waving toward the end of the month.
The night before his 7 month (suppose to be 6 month, OOPS!) appointment, he started babbling like carzy! He has always been fairly quite, but that night something "clicked". He said, "mamamama", "dadadada", and "byebyebyebye" all in one night! ;)
He's on that belly and pushing up and down, kicking those little legs, and occasionally will rock back and forth, but we haven't made the move yet!
First time trying out the high chair...
First time trying out baby food... SQUASH!
I didn't rush into food with Graham, because he has always been satisfied with his mommy's milk. As you can tell, he is NOT A FAN, and still is not a fan today.
Took a ride on the dirt bike!
A Mohawk...
Maybe mommy loves the Mohawk, but he looks super cute playing the drums with one!
His milk...
I looked over and he was trying to feed himself.
His daddy...
He grins ear to ear when daddy even looks at him!
He loves smiling...
Graham is one of the happiest babies! He smiles at anyone that will talk to him.
His thumb, his mommy, and his big brother...
His giraffe lovie...
The way he snuggles with it and hold it while sucking that wittle thumb gets me ;)
6 Month Fun:
We went to lunch at our favorite, Olexia's one Saturday. We also went to the mall to shop and ride the carousel!
MiMi got the boys a precious outfit on our shopping trip so they had to sport it to church!
Other Updates:
Graham is drinking 4-5 oz. every 3 1/2- 4 hours. I put oatmeal in all of his bottles, it help his tummy! He is still sleeping 12-13 hours a night!!! He is in 9 months clothes, size 4 diapers, and size 2 shoe. We have tried squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and bananas and he HATES them all. God love him, he tries to smile and like them but his face has a disgusted look on it the entire time.
He's still our happy little sweetheart that will steal your heart when you meet him. :)
Thomas Graham... WE LOVE YOU!


  1. He's so cute:) Curious how much oatmeal you put in his bottles? I have an 8 month old I would like to try this with in his bedtime bottle and hopefully it makes him sleep through the night better!

    1. Before bedtime I put a lot... I put 50 cc for every 5 oz. Other wise, about 30-40cc for every 4 oz.

      Hope that helps! :)

  2. Such a little cutie!! And he is getting so big!! Sitting up by himself and everything. Why do they grow up so fast?! :)

  3. He's adorable and reminds me so much of Rett! (19lbs at 4 months, haha!) sooo sweet!

  4. Sooooo sweet!!! And such a fun age! :)


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