August 21, 2012

Baby Update...

As you know, yesterday was our first day back to school. Honestly, I never thought we would make it BUT we did! I am glad though because my sweet sub and I were able to meet our kiddos and spend the day learning with us. We had a great first day, the day went very smoothly, especially for the dreaded first day. I woke up that morning feeling pretty good, by the afternoons my feet are the size of Texas and I start resembling a penguin when I walk, it just hurts! It really is a funny sight...

After school, I had my 4:00 appointment. My sister met me there and we giggle as I waddle to the elevators! She thinks it is hysterical to watch my misery!;) We went back to get the normal weight/blood pressure check and my blood pressure was UP AGAIN! My results came back with protein in my urine, so BACK to Labor & Delivery we go for more monitoring!

Little man had not been moving a lot that day, but usually when I am walking and busy he isn't as active. When they put on the monitors he started having his very own dance party in there. He can not stand when they put the straps around my belly.... he goes CRAZY! After about an hour of monitoring, he looked perfect, thank God, and my blood work came back normal. After a discussion with the doctor, we were sent home. 
We are scheduled to go back Thursday morning, which going in the morning will allow me to see my doctor. I am sure a plan will be made this time, fingers crossed. By the way, we still had NO progress... he is still snug as a bug in there.

My doctor was not thrilled with me trying to go back to work in the first place and the blood pressure/protein scare again... Lee and I decided it would be best for me to stay home, rest, and take care of our little man as well as mommy... just not worth the risk

I will definitely update when we have a plan... maybe we will have a miracle and he will decide to come on his own! Anything is possible, right?! :)

Have a BLESSED Tuesday!


  1. Take care of yourself and don't overdo it! You baby boy will be here so soon!

    1. I am REALLLYYY trying to relax... this just doesn't come natural for me! But my ankles already look better... :) Thank you girl!!

  2. How fun that you got to go to the first day though! BOO for high bp and protein again! ugh! I would be so over that! lol! Saying lots of prayers that your sweet boy decides to come on his own soon :)

    1. I know it girl! Yes, pray he comes on his own! Maybe this weekend a miracle will happen...haha

      Thanks sweet girl!

  3. I am going miss seeing your face! Maybe little man will decide to come this week!!

    1. I will miss you too girl! I'll be back before we know it:) Hopefully a little smaller...haha

      I'll keep you posted!

  4. Maybe we can talk Dr. Adams into keeping you Thursday when you go in for your appointment! Atleast it is in the morning & you will get to see her! :) It's almost over!! :)

    1. That is what me and my sis were just talking about... coming in Thursday afternoon and getting started! That would work out perfectly.... cross your fingers! I definitely think we will have a plan before I leave my appointment though.... SURELY!:)

  5. Yea! Maybe they will do cervidil to soften your cervix then start pitocin! We gotta start somewhere! :) they would do that Thursday night & deliver on Friday! :) that would be perfect! I'll talk to her too if I see her tomorrow! :)

  6. Sending prayers your way:) Try to rest up and enjoy these last few days w/ him in your tummy. I miss that and it's something you never get back w/ that child. So enjoy and can't wait to see pics of your little boy!!:)


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