August 19, 2012

His & Her Link-Up!

His&Her Q&A

  I have been seeing these cute link-ups and figured out they are hosted by Love, the Grows and thought it would be fun to include the hubby in a post.... here we go!

Your house is on fire. What five items do you grab before you leave?
L: Wallet, phone, Bible, Camden (he loves him;), and my truck
N: Purse, camera, computer (for pics), Bible, & of course, CAMDEN;)

If you could be/had to be the main character of any movie, who would you be? 
L: Johnny Cash in Walk the Line or Wyatt in Tombstone
N: Something Cameron Daiz plays is... (I'm not a huge movie person)

What physical feature do you love most about yourself?
L: I am not going to say his first answer.... but second was his height. 
N: I hate questions like this... I am going with my eyes.

Tell us why your name is your name. And if you don't have (or know) an answer, make one up. 
L: David is a family name that runs down my father's side... Lee my mom just liked. 
N: I'm pretty sure mom just liked Natalie... Renae is after my mom's mom, her name is Rena. 

What is the greatest place you've ever traveled to? 
L: Hawaii
N: Hawaii

Are you a morning person or a night person? 
L: Morning... (when his feet hit the floor he doesn't stop all day long and he crashes at night)
N: Honestly, I really do not have a hard time waking up and I go to bed at a decent time every night. I guess I am both!

Who is someone you wish you were closer to? 
L: My grandad.
N: My graggie (dad's mom)

What quality do you have that you hope your kids inherit? 
L: Work ethic.
N: Organizational skills;) 

What's your favorite memory with your childhood best friend? 
L: Riding dirt bikes.
N: Running up my friend's phone bill by calling Mrs. Cleo the psychic to predict our future love life... (Nina bug;)
If you had to move out of the country where would you move to?  
L: Australia
N: Australia (He really didn't know I chose that;)

What a cute idea... go link-up HERE:)

Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo I'd love Australia too! You guys are so cute!

    New follower! ;)


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