October 4, 2012

Days I Never Want to Forget...

As most of you know, I am a 3rd grade teacher. I was able to take an eight week maternity leave and I now have thirteen days left of my leave. :(
The past 6 weeks have been filled with learning, excitement, exhaustion, and pure joy.
 I never want to forget these days. They have been some of the best days of my life....

Here is an outline of what we have been up to the past few weeks:
6-7 a.m._ My little man starts squirming and giving me his sweet warning calls telling me he's about ready to eat. Sometimes he will dose off and start again a few minutes later, but momma knows when it's time! I feed him for about 20 minutes and we snuggle for about 20 minutes. I love to just look at him while he sleeps and watch him smile and dream. 

8-8:30_ Gage is usually awake by now, so I rest him on his boppy beside me while I pump his next bottle. I talk to him and he will stare at me and try to mimic my silly faces. If I look away for a few minutes he will coo to get my attention.This is time I usually capture a sweet picture to send to daddy!

8:30-9_ We play some more. I like to get his little animals to show him, sing to him, show him silly faces, and sometimes we go upstairs so he can lay on his play mat. He loves the giraffe and even gave him one of his first sweet gummy grins!

9:00_ Bath time! He loves bath time now that he gets a "real bath." I set some bath farm toys on the side of the tub and he likes to look at them. Most of the time he looks at me while I sing "This is the way we wash our tummy, wash our tummy, wash our tummy"... (you get the idea;) When I set him up on his scale to dress him, he sometimes surprises mommy with a peepee rainbow! We put on some bedtime lotion and usually a sleeper and he is ready for the day!

9:30ish_ He gets his bottle I pumped. This is when he gets his little sleepy eyes. I will rock him & sing "Mommy Loves You," "Jesus Loves You," and "Jesus Loves the Little Children." He goes right to sleep and I lay him in his swing or boppy.

10-1_ My angel takes a nap and I get house chores done. Make the bed, wash dishes, throw in a load of clothes (which I often forget... oops), I try to pump again around 12, and eat lunch myself. Usually a pb&j sandwich! Sometimes I pay bills and check emails/blogs too!

12-1_ Monkey usually wakes and I feed him. We talk/play a while. I lay him on my chest, pat his bottom, and rock him, this is his favorite way to fall asleep. He drifts right off to sleep.

12-3_ He usually naps in his bassinet at this time so I can put him right beside the basement door while I go down to workout. I watch "The Talk" while I get my workout on. I finish up other house chores, laundry, etc. During this time, I get my shower. If monkey is awake, I put him beside the tub & take a bath so I can talk/play with him.

3-3:30_ Time to feed again & pump! (I pump after every feeding BTW;) I put him in his little rocker and rock him with my foot while I pump.

3:30-4:30_ Sometimes we go out on the covered deck to snuggle, I may put him in his bumbo so he can watch his baby Einstein video, then daddy calls at 4:30 to let us know he is on his way!

4:30-5_ Wait on daddy & sometimes turn on ELLEN!

5-6_ Daddy gets home and greets us with hugs & kisses. Gets his workout on. Then we eat dinner!

6-8_ Family time! This is when daddy is on duty (for the most part;). Sometimes mommy has to step in! I get everything together for bedtime, wash my face, etc. Most nights we watch TV in bed, usually HGTV, and sometimes Lee gets on the computer. We have a rule, if I'm on the computer, the TV is Lee's choice (Call of the Wildman) ; If Lee is on the computer, TV is my choice (RealHousewives!) ! But both of us usually agree HGTV:) Gage is usually between us resting on his boppy. This is snuggle time for daddy and Gage!

7:30-8_ Gage gets his diaper changed, swaddled by daddy (the pro-swaddler), and it's feeding time! He will lay between us and drift off to sleep or I sometimes rock him. After I finish pumping, I gently place him in his bassinet right beside me. 

8-9_ Lee & I relax, chit-chat, & watch TV!

2:30_ Gage wakes for his bottle (a 6 hour stretch usually! Of course, this started about a week ago). The bottle I pumped at 8 is waiting on him. I change his diaper, swaddle him, give him his bottle, and back in the bassinet he goes! He usually goes right back to sleep!
Then I go to the bathroom to pump his next bottle!

6:00_ I feed him and our day begins!

I know they sound so simple, but I will remember them forever! These special days of snuggling, playing, dirty diapers, baby cries, singing, feeding, coos, gummy grins, a orderly house, and spending the entire day with my baby boy are about to come to an end in 2 short weeks. 

My days will now be much more hectic & rushed, my new schedule will go as follows:
5:00-7_ Feed/snuggle with my baby boy (possibly cry), get ready for my day, feed the cat, grab bottles & take Gage to Lee's mom, grab my lunch, grab a granola bar, & off to school I go!

7:00-7:45_ (Getting to school at 7 is ideal, I would love to get things done before school... we wil see how long it last;)Prepare myself & my classroom for the day. Check emails & get last minute things ready for the day!

7:45_ Stand at my classroom door to meet my students.

8:00-8:40_ Intervention time (meet with my small groups) Other students will be in centers. 

8:40-9ish_ Attendance, lunch count, collect money/note, students will write in agendas etc.

9-10:10_ Reading Block

10:10-10:35_ PE (I will pump while my students are at PE)

10:35-10:45ish_ Pick up my kiddos and take them for a bathroom break

11-12:10_ Math Block

12:35_ Another bathroom break

12:40- 1:45_ Science/Social Studies/Writing

1:45-2_ Students will get ready to go home. Pack back pack etc.

2:05-2:45_ Most days my students are at resource during this time. I will pump again and get ready for the next day.

2:45_ Pick up my students and take them to our dismissal spot. 

3:15_ MOST days I will head home to see my baby boy@ this time! 

3:15-9_  This time will be filled with snuggling, feeding, singing, going for walks, HOPEFULLY mommy getting in a quick workout (with Gage by my side, of course)! Of course, house chores will be in there somewhere, but most importantly catching up with my hubby & baby boy!

I enjoy my job...most days. Teaching is a rewarding career, full of adventure, stress, joy, and each day brings you something different. Having me work is best for our family right now. Honestly, there have been days I  needed a break and some adult time. But those days were VERY few & far between. I have loved spending all of my time with my baby boy. A part-time job (2 or 3 days a week) would be ideal!;)
Seriously, I am so thankful to have my job.  I am blessed to have the hours/time- off I will have, MOST days I am home by 3:30. Teaching is perfect for a family, and thankfully I will relive these days in 7 months when I'm off for summer and my angel will be about 8 months old! But of course, I am having a hard time thinking about being away from my baby.
Working mommies, make this momma feel better!


  1. I am a 4th grade teacher and a working mom of a 2.5 year old. Going back to work was hard but we made it! We really have the perfect jobs in a lot of ways. We get lots of random days off, 2 weeks at Christmas, Spring break, and 10 or so weeks for summer! Pretty good if you ask me:). It really isn't bad once you get into the routine of things! I nursed Kendall and pumped at school twice a day for the whole school year. It was hard at first but manageable! Best of luck to you:)

    1. I agree, I am trying to keep telling myself one day he will be going to school with me!haha Thank you so much:)

  2. You'll be so happy to have this documented one day!

    (and the picture of your sweet baby on the header is beautiful!)

    1. Thank you!! :) Never wanted to forget... I don't think I could though!

  3. I can totally relate!! I teach 2nd grade and I have just another week left before I go back! I'm so ready to see my teacher friends, but getting back in to the swing of things and figuring out this new swing of things will be challenging...but fun! Good luck to you! I'm sure our kiddos will be happy to have you back!

    1. Yes, if it weren't for my 3rd grade team, going back would be much more dreadful! Thank you so much and good luck to you! :)

  4. Natalie,
    Going back to work is certainly not easy. I still struggle with it sometimes and my tiny person is almost 6 months old. But I will tell you that it will get easier. I don't think I will ever get totally used to leaving my munchkin each day but I know she is well taken care of and as cheesy it is to say, it really does make me appreciate my time with her even more.
    (ps your little boy is precious. I believe you are friends with my cousin Elenie who also just had a little boy.)


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)