October 3, 2012

Our Birth Story...

Warning: Long post ahead but an experience I never want to forget...

Just a quick reminder... On Monday, August 20th, was the first day of school for students and I went to the doctor right after school. My blood pressure was elevated again and I had to go for monitoring... .AGAIN. It was fine after about an hour of monitoring so I was sent home. After discussion with my doctor and Lee, we decided it was best for me to not return to work. My doctor wanted to see me on Thursday, so I scheduled an appointment for 9:00.
Thursday morning, I picked up my sister and we headed to St. Vincents. It was my first time seeing MY doctor in a couple of weeks. We went in knowing we would have a plan when we left (I was 40 weeks and 3 days).
Our original plan was to go through the weekend and go in Monday evening to start the induction process. My sister, being an NICU nurse, was questioning this plan, due to weakening of the placenta and other sad situations she has seen due to "waiting." My awesome doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to see how he looked and also do some monitoring of his heart rate. The ultrasound tech estimated him weighing 8.14 and she said his placenta looked "mature" (my sis didn't like the sound of that)but overall everything looked great. We then went to get hooked up to the monitors. My doctor took a look at the stats and came back in and said "I want to monitor a little longer. Everything looks great, but I want it to look perfect." Again, we didn't like the sound of that. Our second plan was to admit me that night, Thursday, August 23rd, at 8:00. We discussed our options, my sister called ALL of her nursing friends, my precious doctor even called her husband to get his opinion (he was an OBGYN also). I told them, "I don't know what to do, I teach multiplication and division!!" So I basically I left it up to my poor sister to make the decision for me, bless her heart, she was sweating bullets. We decided to go with the second plan. I was getting admitted THAT NIGHT, talk about nervous! Going from waiting 4 days to THAT NIGHT was a big change of plans!

(After our stressful appointment...)

Lee left work to come home and help me prepare. Since I had been preparing for 5 months, there wasn't much to do! But we showered, packed last minute items, and even took a nap!
We were scheduled to be admitted at 8:00p.m. and I could eat up to 12:00 a.m. That is all momma was concerned about!haha We went to dinner and NEWKS before going to the hospital.

(Last belly pic... it's blurry due to the fabulous Alabama humidity!)

We arrived at the hospital early, of course, but signed a quick paper and went straight to our room. 
Our plan was to insert the cervidil overnight to soften my cervix (remember I am not dialated what-so-ever)!
They did that shortly after arriving, then we chilled nervously the rest of the evening. My parents came to visit as well. That was actually a difficult night. I did not sleep a wink! The monitors kept messing up and my adrenaline had kicked in!

Friday morning I got up about 5:00a.m., because I thought we were starting pitocin at 6. I freshened up and put on a little make-up.

The doctor came in to "check" me about 6:30, and GUESS WHAT?!... NO PROGRESS! My cervix did not soften at all... Next step, start the pitocin!

My next nurse came in at 7. I am a lucky girl because my nurse is my VERY BEST FRIEND, Erica!

My sister came in about 6:00, got to start those pictures!
My sis, Lee, and Erica were with me the entire day! It was a day filled with gossip, laughter, gossip, and more laughter!:)

We started the pitocin when Erica got there at 7. Contractions got stronger, but momma wasn't feeling them.... NOT A GOOD SIGN!

Erica was bumping the pitocin up pretty quickly. The doctor came in about 10ish to "check" me again. She said I was a half of a centimeter and that was being generous. She couldn't even break my water... BUMMER! We already had the pitocin on 30 and you can only go to 40. I was still laughing and having a good time, again, not a good sign!
Erica had talked to my doctor and she was surprising me and coming in! She was working at her other clinic and came in for me because she was pretty positive a C-section was in my near future! Love her!

Best doctor EVER:)

It was about 11:30 when Dr.Adams arrived. It was clear I was not making progress and she did not want my experience to be a bad one. After further discussion, we decided on a C-section. A C-section in like 30 minutes that is! The nerves started flowing... You could tell it was "go time," everyone was running here and there and Erica got into nurse mode quickly!

The gear had to go on!

Daddy VERY anxiously waited outside while they did my spinal tap.

Here I was probably the most nervous I was my whole experience. Waiting on the spinal tap scared me to death!

When Lee got in the room, I felt more at ease. I got nauseous with the spinal but they fixed it very quickly.

Right when Dr. Adams saw Gage she knew we made the right decision. She made a small incision, trying to take care of me;) He wasn't coming though! She said, "I have to make it larger!" I remember saying, "Just do it!" She had to cut a little more but he still wasn't coming! I remember looking at my sister and asking her if everything was ok, I could tell by her big eyes, she was scared...I was too. There was four people on top of me trying to push him out, but he was too cozy! They had to use the vacuum twice to get his chunky self out because he kept turning his head!

David Gage Pody entered this world at 12:18 p.m. at 9 pounds 7 ounces; 21 inches long!

Daddy looking at him for the first time...

But he came out screaming... this is when I heard his cry. Music to my ears!
I remember praying over and over for God to bring him out screaming & healthy... and He did:)

She brought him to see us for the first time before cleaning him up.

Then it was time to clean him up and get his stats!

Touching my little man for the first time...
I can remember feeling his soft, chubby cheeks...

Daddy holding him for the first time... he was so proud.

First family photo:)

Holding Aunt Lynie's hand....

Looking at my baby boy...

US w/ Dr. Adams

Heading back to our room! WE DID IT!!!

Lee delivering the good news...

I love this picture...

My heart...

Uncle Jacob holding Gage for the first time...

Thank you Aunt Lynie for being there for us through everything. I honestly couldn't have done it without you!

Aunt Erica getting some love. Thank you for everything. You are the best nurse ever! I love you so much!

My little family:)

These two are my world...

My sweet push cut present :)

After little man ate and got a bath it was time for visitors... Poppy was the first to enter!

Lee's parents...

My family:)

4 generations...

Already a pro!

We had so many sweet visitors including our pastor and his wonderful family...
Notice my sweet husband pulled his chair as close as he could beside my bed. He stayed there petty much the entire time.

The days following were full of adventure.
My husband helped me and did things for me he probably never dreamed he would have to do. He was amazing and I could never thank him enough. My mom and sister were also my wonderful helpers, I could not have done it without them either. 
Of course we all think we are going to have a "normal" delivery and I never thought much about having a C-section. Once I was not progressing, I knew I wanted a C-section, I did not want to labor for hours. The worst, most painful part I can  remember was getting out of bed for the first time. Erica made me get up 4 hours after surgery and I am so thankful she did. I thought I was going to faint at that moment but from then on I improved. Removing the bandage and taking a shower was an interesting adventure, but with the help of my mom, sister, & hubby, WE DID IT! One more thing I remember struggling with was sending him to the nursery at night. We ended up sending him because I just couldn't sit up and do the things he needed and I felt helpless. We were exhausted so looking back, I am glad we did.
We had so many visitors that made our experience special. As weird as this may sound, I  enjoyed this experience and I will never forget it.
After learning we had to return the next day for a bilirubin check and to view the results of his hip ultrasound, we were discharged around 11:00 a.m. on Monday.
The ride home was painful but we made it!

The next few days were honestly some of the best days of my life. With the help of my mom and other family, I was able to enjoy my baby, I had never been so in love. I remember holding him and telling momma I wanted 12 of them!haha
 I had the most amazing nurses and doctors, I could not have asked for a better experience.
Thank you to everyone for making this experience so special! I am so blessed with a wonderful family and the best friends anyone could ask for!
Most of all, THANK YOU JESUS!!
Needless to say, this mommy is BLESSED beyond measure:)


  1. I had tears of joy in my eyes the entire time! What a beautiful little Mr. you have! Congratulations again!!

  2. What a sweet sweet post! I know your hearts are so full! It doesn't sound weird at all, I enjoyed all 3 of my children's births and each one had a few rough moments. It's just such an amazing day the good FAR out weighs the bad.

    1. It was such an amazing experience, you are so right! Thank you so much:)

  3. Hello happy tears :) I loved this story too cute & sweet! The pictures are amazing. I am so glad you had such wonderful people to take care of you! & what better then to have the nurse be a best friend hello bonus.

    1. Having my BF definitely made it so much fun! Thank you so much girl! :)

  4. so sweet!! makes me want to do it all over again!!! great story and pictures!

    1. You will be doing it again before we know it!haha Can't wait to see you next Thursday!

  5. Such SWEET memories!! The day you finally meet your Little Miracle and Blessing is the best day ever!! Loved the post!!! The pictures are great and I know having your Sister and Best Friend there helping made everything a little easier :) Enjoy these days, they will be the best ones of your life!!!!

    1. It really is such a blessing! Thank you so much for your sweet comment:)

  6. a wonderful story! you seriously had me tearing up! i cant wait to have my baby experience someday with my husband :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it:) It is a wonderful experience!

  7. oh my goodness!! I have loved reading about the little guy and your pregnancy but THIS post was by far the best! Literally had my in tears reading it and I don't even know you guys! I hope you are still enjoying the days and maybe even getting some sleep!! He is absolutely adorable.

    1. Aw, I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! He is pretty cute, I have to agree:)

  8. what a precious post! I ended up with a c-section after laboring for almost 24 hours...and I wish they would have just done it so much sooner! this momma was TIRED!!! Love that you have all those photos to remember such a precious time!

    1. That is what I DID NOT want to happen, bless your heart! Thank you for your sweet comment! :)

  9. such a sweet story! I loved reading this post! hopefully, I'll have a post like this one day : )

    1. Thank you so much... You will, I just know it!:)

  10. Brought tears to my eyes! I have a similar experience, except that I was in labor for 23 hours and pushed before having a C-section. But it was totally unexpected as we were at our 39 week appt with high blood pressure. I would do it all over again. Those husbands are amazing people...mine surprised me with what he did for me too! Wishing you lots more snuggles :)

    1. WOW! I know you were a tired mommy! Thank you so much:)

  11. So...I just now got to read this post & I got all teary-eyed. (I am emotionally unstable I think sometimes.) I am so happy I got to be apart of such a special day. I wouldn't trade it for anything! I love y'all so much! :) Gage is the most precious thing I've ever seen!

    1. Aw!:) So thankful you were apart of it!

      We miss you and love you!!!


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)