December 4, 2012

Happy 3 Months, Monkey!

 I made the mistake of  taking these pictures at night, after bath, and before nighttime bottle but I was determined to get them!

 As you can see, pictures are not as easy anymore...
 Little stinker, he was pushing with his feet, sliding down, and pitching a good one!

These pictures crack me up:

"HMM... this looks pretty good."

"You not going to give me my bottle... I'll show you, mommy."
 HERE WE GO! He finally worked up a good one!

I weighed him the day he turned 3 months and he weighed 16 pounds and 13 ounces!

Tonight (Dec. 4th, 3mo. & 10days) this is what Chunky Monkey weighed:

Haven't been to DR. so not sure on length.

  • First "real" chuckle at mommy (11/12/12)
  • Gripped his toys on his play mat and brought them to his mouth... after several tries (11/15/12)
  • Rolled over from back to tummy with sight assistance from a blanket under him (11/15/12)
  • He is REALLY following us around the room now!
  •  Turning his head when he hears our voices. 
  • He is showing much more interest in his toys by grabbing and cooing at them
  • Smiling right when we greet him
  • He has definitely mastered the pouty lip now (I just love when he does that!)
  • He loves his hands, he will sometimes stuff his whole fist in his mouth!

First family vacation/ trip to Gatlinburg 

First trip to the pool (which ended up being a hot tub;)

Survived his longest car ride yet with ease (4 1/2 hours)

Celebrated his first Thanksgiving!  

First trip to Christmas Village with mommy, MiMi, Aunt Lynie & Ale'!

  • Riding in the car
  • Playing on his playmat
  • Looking at the ducks at Gatlinburg
  • Smiling

  • His favorite way to take a nap (on my chest;)
  • Mommy wiggling her toungue
  • Talking to him in a deep voice
  • Strrreeeetching out flat on his back
  • Laying on his side watching TV
  • Bath time

  •  Watching TV with daddy (actually watching TV period)
  • Kicking his little legs and flailing his arms really fast! (We say he's running for a touchdown!;)
  • Nursing, and of course eating PERIOD!

Other Updates:

Gage is still taking 4 ounces of breast milk every 4 hours (possibly 3). Sometimes with a 2 ounce snack in between. He seems to be more hungry in the evenings. He  is sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night, most nights it is 8 hours (happy mommy). He is wearing size 3 diapers and 3-6 month clothes, mostly 6 month now. Little man is a happy baby most of the time! When he gets sleepy at night, he will start crying until mommy picks him up and puts him to sleep. It is harder for him to work up a cry now, it's actually funny to watch because he puckers out that bottom lip but just can't get it going!:) 

I just can't say it enough, I love him so much!


  1. Cutie patootie! I just wanna pinch those cheeks! :)

  2. He is such a cutie! Great mix of you and Lee! Hudson "runs" too and it is so funny!!! He will hold his breath and just go crazy! Can't wait til they are really running around this time next year!

  3. Little bruiser :) That's what matthew's nana calls him!! I think matthew weighs around 17 lbs now at 4 months :)

  4. Love him! haha Sam is 9 months and 14 1/2 pounds LOL My peanut...

  5. Oh my gosh! Time really does fly! But seriously... he is so freaking cute that he makes me want another!!!

  6. Awww soooo cute! And I Know I have already told you this, but his crib is seriously the best looking crib I've ever seen. Love it!


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