December 11, 2012

P.P.P.P. Link-Up!

Linking up with Katie @ Married....With a Pup for a fun link-up she is starting! :)

Peaks: highlights of the week; overall positives
Pits: low point(s) of the week
Praises: praising God for specific things that have happened throughout the week
Prayers: prayer requests that arose during the week or have been lingering

  • Receiving our Christmas cards in the mail! Now on to getting them addressed & sent!
  • The cold front that entered Alabama because that means a fire and hot chocolate at The Pody House every night! LOVE the smell of a real fire!
  • Receiving Gage's sweet first Christmas plate we got made at Painted By U! She turned his precious foot into a reindeer! (Pictures later)
  • Marking items off of my Family Christmas Shopping List. I still have a lot of shopping to do but I've made progress!  Santa is DONE with little man (I can't BELIEVE I am Santa this year;)!

  • Leaving my little buddy everyday for work.... I try not to talk about it a lot because I know it gets annoying (especially for the husband... he is very supportive though;) but it's still a struggle for this momma.
  • I am a very organized person. I like my drawers, pantry, cabinets in order. It just makes me happy to open them up and see them neatly organized! Right now, I feel like I can't keep everything in order! I don't know what I would do without my wonderful momma coming to help me every week.... I would be a crazy lady! The other day I told my sweet "teacher friends" ( now I consider them much more than just my  "teacher friends") it is bad when I organized my dirty dishes before coming to work to make things look more in order. We can all's very hectic during the week. I hope to get things in order over Christmas Break when the Christmas decor comes down (insert sad face)


  • Spending Sunday evening with my family. Helping my mom put up Christmas trees, looking at all of our ornaments we made when we were little, fighting (not really, we never fight;) with my sister over what we are "stealing" to add to our decor, watching home videos,  laughing about things only WE would ever think is funny (others would think we have lost our minds),and watching my mom, dad, brother, & sister LOVE on our baby boy... makes my heart smile.
  • Excited about all of the Christmas parties we will be attending this weekend! We have our Sunday School party, Lee's grandad's, and Christmas at Lee's parents (we're having it a little early this year, due to a little change in plans;).


  • Praying for my sweet husband.
  • Lifting up many prayer request from precious families we go to church with. 
  • And always thanking God for our little miracle and our beautiful life.

Go link up with the fabulous Katie here

Have a BLESSED Tuesday!


  1. Stopping by from the link up! Your baby boy is precious! Have fun at your Christmas parties :)

  2. Love this! I think I will join in this afternoon :)

  3. Love all of your Christmas & holiday related things!! I can't imagine how hard it is to leave your little guy! And I'm a super organized person as well. Except our closets and drawers have gotten out of control too. Hoping to fix that this weekend. Thanks again for linking up!

  4. My son is two and I still struggle every single day when I leave to work. I have stay-at-home mom envy!

    1. haha... I know what you mean... I follow stay-at-home-mom's blogs just so I can live through them!!haha Only kidding... sort of;)


Thank you for your sweet comments. They truly make my day! :-)